  • Client

    Unidad Ejecutora del Programa de la Unidad de Coordinación de Programas y Proyectos con Financiamiento Externo (UCP y PFE) del Ministerio de Planificación Federal, Inversión Pública y Servicios de la Nación.

  • Country


  • Location

    Pcia. de Chaco

  • Area

    Water Management

  • Year


Type of work: Inspection Consulting Services 

The Nueva Resistencia Plant is located upstream from Puerto Barranqueras (Province of Chaco). The Water Treatment Plant Optimization and Expansion works are divided into four large groups: Intake work; Water treatment plant; Pumps and control and remote management system. The existing facilities of the plant were designed for a drinking water flow of 3,000 m³ / h and currently treats a raw water flow of 3,400 m³ / h, with peaks of 3,600 m³ / h to meet demand. These facilities will be optimized and expanded to produce a drinking water flow of 6,000 m³ / h.