  • Client

    ADIF - Administración de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Sociedad del Estado

  • Country


  • Location

    Pcia. de Chaco

  • Area


  • Year


Type of Work: Review of Executive Project and Inspection of works. 

The main tasks carried out in the Supervision were: cleaning of the section and conditioning of channels and sewer beds; auscultation of existing rails; removal of existing track; conformation of the new subgrade and cross-sectional profile of the track zone; assembly and placement of the new narrow gauge track structure; provision and watering of stone ballast and its compaction; renovation, rehabilitation and overhaul of track devices; renewal of Level Crossings; Reconditioning of used rails for reuse and total renovation of culverts. The work included the monitoring of the Environmental Management Plan and the control of hygiene and safety in the contractor’s work.